Thursday 22 May 2014


I want to introduce you to a site called bloglovin'
Now, if you are a keen reader of blogs, you may already have a bloglovin' account, or you may have just heard about it.
Well, if you do or don't know what it is, I'm going to fill you in right now.
Bloglovin' is a free website in which you sign up and you create a profile for yourself where you can follow all of your favourite blogs and like their posts. You're personal profile will show your name, display picture and a little bio at the top (if you write one) and then it showcases all of the blog posts you've liked and there is a section that shows all of the blogs you follow. Of course, this doesn't have to be public, however you are not using any personal information like you may do on Facebook and so this is completely safe.
On your profile there is an option to add a blog if you are a blogger. In this, you set up a profile for your blog where readers can follow you and like your posts, also you are able to see who reads your blog by viewing your followers and see if people are enjoying it. Personally, I think this is a great idea and so I have set up an account for myself and my blog. I am new to bloglovin' myself so I'm currently figuring out how to work everything, much like I am on this blog.
Feel free to follow me if you would like, my links are here:
My personal profile;
My blog's profile;
It'd be lovely to know if anybody is enjoying my blog. If you are, and you want a bloglovin' account, make sure to set one up and follow me!

(Also, I have a link at the side of my blog saying 'Follow me on bloglovin' which is a direct link to my page!)

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